[1] The Tough Cops of APD
Use of deadly force to try to stem the crime epidemic in Anchorage, Alaska, has gotten so out of control that cops didn’t hesitate recently to use deadly force on a 16-year-old girl brandishing a steak knife, surrounded by family in her home. Police were called by her sister who reported Easter Leafa was threatening her and had a knife. When APD Officers commanded Leafa to drop the knife she didn’t do it fast enough, so they shot her dead.
They say she was BIG and SCARY!

Should cops be able to shoot to kill someone who is simply holding any perceived weapon? Can overuse of deadly force create further disregard for the law by criminals?
New Mayor Apologizes for Teen Girl Killed by Police
Six Officer Involved Shootings in Anchorage so far this year—four deadly. This one caused the newly elected Mayor Suzanne LaFrance to question local police professionalism. Even the dumbest cop on the force should know this mayor and assembly don’t support community policing and would like to replace the police force with woke social workers using water pistols and sippy cups of warm milk.
Is this an appropriate approach to Mental Illness?

Learn How State of Alaska Incompetence Let Eli Lilly Skate
[2} Alaska’s Mental Health Crisis Predates Statehood, DONN LISTON May 16, 2023
The bureaucracy now has 45 days to review and justify body cam recordings of this event before they must be made public. The overwhelmed AK Courts will likely fumble the ball around for job security, but a recent 9th Circuit Court ruling should provide clear direction in prosecution of trigger-happy cops.

Body Cams Will Likely Provide Necessary Evidence.
[3] Anchorage Police Department Releases Updated Draft of the Body Worn Cameras Policy, July 12, 2024
According to a police statement officers responded to a call reporting that someone was threatening others with a knife inside an apartment. When officers arrived and the girl did not drop the knife, two officers opened fire. The girl was then taken to the hospital where she was pronounced dead.
[4] APD Report of Officer Involved Shooting of Easter Leafa-4800 Block of E 43rd Avenue, August 14, 2024.
A family witness told NBC NEWS:

Leafa’s English was not very strong, and when the police ordered her to drop the knife she was holding downward by her side, they said it didn’t take much for the officers to shoot.
She made one movement, a little tiny movement, Rosalie Tialavea, Leafa’s oldest sister said. They shot her three times. They saw her go down on the second shot and they had to fire another one.
[5] Anchorage reckons with deadly police shootings as teen’s killing marks fourth of the year, NBC NEWS, August 16, 2024.

Another resident experiencing personal crisis, Christopher Handy was gunned down August 13, 2024 by tough APD cops who lied about what happened, embarrassing their boss at a press conference.

APD officers are recently required to wear body cameras to record encounters during law enforcement duties, but the public has learned individuals with cell phones MUST assure events involving APD are recorded independently for protection against misrepresentation of facts.
Body Cams Can Be Pointed the Wrong Way; Cops Will Lie.
Proof: After the APD press conference the morning of the Handy event, the lie that a gun had been raised toward four responding officers had to be later revised, when independent video contradicted it.
Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel
What is known: Agitated Anchorage resident Christopher Handy was killed by APD officers for waving a long gun around the stairway and yard of the apartment complex at the 7100 block of Bearfoot Drive. Police were called because a neighbor heard what she believed was a domestic violence altercation. Arriving police are recorded issuing conflicting orders to a shirtless Handy standing outside.

Body cam footage from the event corroborated the independent video showing the long gun was never raised or pointed toward APD officers.
Where is the investigative report regarding the Handy
Execution? Where are the statements from the tough
APD Cops who fired their guns at this person in distress?
[6] Officer Involved Shooting of Christopher Handy Investigation Report on the 7100-block of Bearfoot Drive, August 13, 2024
This misrepresentation is a critical component of whether deadly force was justified in the summary execution of Handy having a mental illness episode. The recent 9th Circuit Court Opinion June 7, is called Calonge v City of San Jose.
In that case, the cop who killed Calonge was allowed qualified immunity from legal consequences of this act.

A once great place to bring a young family.
In Calonge, three officers gave mixed directives to a person in San Jose, CA walking down the street with a bb pistol in his waistband. Ultimately the cops shot and killed Calonge although he did not pose any immediate threat to their safety or the safety of others. They believed him to be armed and he did not respond to their mixed commands.
The 9th Circuit has ruled that an immediate threat might be a furtive movement, a harrowing gesture, or serious verbal threat. Additionally, at no time was Calonge warned that deadly force would be used before he was shot dead, making this unreasonable use of force in line with other 9th Circuit caselaw.
Lesson: Just because someone has a gun doesn’t mean law enforcement officials can fire first—there has to be some immediacy, such as aiming the gun toward somebody.
[7] ROSALINA CALONGE V. CITY OF SAN JOSE, ET AL, No. 22-16495 (9th Cir. 2024)

[8] Challenges Of Mental Illness, DONN LISTON May 19, 2022
Other APD Officer Involved killings this summer have involved people likely in distress committing suicide-by-cop.
APD makes it too easy.

Troubled AK Woman Scares Muldoon Neighbors
Initial indications are that an interaction occurred outside between the adult female suspect, who was armed with a long gun, and an unarmed neighborhood resident. The suspect’s actions put that resident in fear of immediate physical harm. The suspect retreated into her home prior to police arrival; she was the only one inside.
The patrol officers who initially responded to the call made several unsuccessful attempts to contact the suspect and have her exit her house. Police obtained an arrest warrant for the charge of Assault III; SWAT, TSU, and CNT responded to the scene. Some area residents evacuated from their homes. Negotiators made multiple attempts at contacting the suspect. SWAT used several different tactics, to include gas deployment, to encourage the suspect’s cooperation with the commands she was being given. The suspect remained non-compliant and fired multiple shots inside the home.
Ultimately one SWAT officer discharged their weapon from outside. During a subsequent search of the residence, officers located the deceased suspect inside. The Medical Examiner will determine the cause of death.
Consider these facts: Lisa-M. Fordyce-Blair brandished a gun outside her home in an altercation with a neighbor, then retreated into her home. She then shot her gun inside her home. Police showed up and ordered her out of her home. She didn’t come out so police SWAT shot her in her home.
Citizen’s mental issue solved.
[9] Report of Officer Involved shooting of Lisa M. Fordyce-Blair at 20th Ave near Island Dr. June 19, 2024
Alaska: Crime Capital of USA

[10] ALASKA: Crime Capital of USA, DONN LISTON,11/24/2023

Two Scary Fairview Guys with Guns
According to the APD Report: At 9:30 PM on June 3, 2024, Anchorage Police responded to the area of E 19th Avenue and Karluk Street regarding reports of shots being fired in the neighborhood. Upon the officers’ arrival, a passerby indicated that two adult males in the parking lot at 1300 E 19th Avenue were involved in firing the shots. Officers verbally engaged Male #1 and Male #2. Male #1 was compliant and taken into custody; he was armed with a handgun.
Male #2 was not compliant. As he reached into his clothing a K9 was deployed. While the K9 had hold of Male #2, Male #2 produced a handgun and ignored multiple commands to drop it. Three officers discharged their weapons, striking Male #2 in the upper body. He was declared deceased at the scene. Neither the K9 nor any officers were injured.
The report does not reveal whether 21-year-old Tyler May threatened the police with his weapon but the fact he was believed to have already discharged it likely gives law enforcement grounds to use lethal force.
[11] Report of Officer Involved shooting of Tyler Jacob May at 1300 E 19th Avenue, June 3, 2024.
Alaska is now the Wild West where nobody is safe. As Alaska’s largest city Anchorage has become a dangerous place but by their own account, serious efforts by APD and other agencies to address lawlessness can result in amazing results—over only two days! Perhaps addressing the out-of-control crime could mitigate the desperation and criminal ideation overwhelming much of Alaska.

Proactive Community Policing Report from the APD Website:
A multi-agency crime suppression sweep took place in Anchorage from July 24th though July 26th, 2024. The sweep, named Operation Summer Heat, involved 125 participants from agencies across the state. Participants divided into multiple crime suppression teams to focus on different tasks. Ultimately, arrests were made for eluding, stolen vehicles, stolen guns, retail thefts, felony and misdemeanor warrants, and drugs. As a result of Operation Summer Heat, 90 arrests were made, and ongoing investigations are anticipated to lead to additional arrests.
During the operation, an assortment of narcotics, including heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, mushrooms, marijuana, fentanyl powder, and 17,820 fentanyl pills (with a street value of $10.00 per pill) were seized, amounting to a street value of over $300,000.
APD is grateful for the collaborative efforts of the many agencies involved in Operation Summer Heat, which focused on suppressing crime in Anchorage. The success of the operation was made possible by the combined efforts of Alaska Probations, Alaska State Troopers, Anchorage Airport Interdiction HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area), Anchorage Police Department – Patrol and Crime Suppression Divisions, Anchorage Pretrial Corrections, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Drug Enforcement Administration, Fairbanks HIDTA, Federal Bureau of Investigation – Safe Streets Task Force, Kenai Peninsula HIDTA, Matsu HIDTA, Office of Special Prosecutions, United States Border Patrol, United States Marshals – Fugitive Task Force, United States Postal Service, and Wasilla Police Department.
[12] Operation Summer Heat
Why Doesn’t something like this happen for two days
every month until the Anchorage Crime Hub is under
control? It’s time APD’s Tough Cops take back
the city for Productive People!
[1] The tough cops at APD
[2] Alaska’s Mental Health Crisis Predates Statehood, DONN LISTON May 16, 2023
[3] Anchorage Police Department Releases Updated Draft of the Body Worn Cameras Policy https://www.anchoragepolice.com/news/anchorage-police-department-releases-updated-draft-of-the-body-worn-cameras-policy
Anchorage, AK — On July 12, 2024, theAnchorage Police Department (APD) has released an updated draft of the Body-Worn Cameras (BWC) policy.
The updated policy aims to balance the public desire for police accountability with the practical and legal challenges associated with officer-involved shootings, referenced in the policy as “Critical Incidents.â€
The policy requires the release of BWC video to the public within 45 days of a “Critical Incident.†The policy also outlines a streamlined process for the family members of a deceased individual to view the video before its public release, in recognition of the loss they have suffered and their need for information and answers.
The Chief of Police retains the discretion to delay the public release of the video for specific reasons, such as preserving the integrity of an ongoing investigation or safeguarding the constitutional rights of the accused. Under the policy, case-specific reasons for any delay will be explained in a detailed public statement.
“The Anchorage Police Department is committed to improving our relationship with the Anchorage community,†said Chief Case. “This policy reflects our commitment to public safety and open communication with the public.â€
APD’s updated DRAFT of the Body Worn Cameras Policy can be found here: https://public.powerdms.com/ANCHOR/tree/documents/2370606
[4] APD Report of Officer Involved Shooting of Easter Leafa-4800 Block of E 43rd Avenue, August 14, 2024.
Officer Involved Shooting Camera Footage Released
August 15, 2024 – The unedited video footage of the officer involved shooting that took place on May 13, 2024, on the 7100-block of Bearfoot Drive is now available for public viewing (APD Case 24-14640). Faces and injuries have been redacted.
The footage may be located on our website www.AnchoragePolice.com. Click on the “Critical Incident Summary – OIS†image located in the middle of the page.
Officer Involved Shooting Investigation – 4800-block of E 43rd Avenue
Update on 8/17/24:
The officer who discharged his weapon last Tuesday evening has been identified as Officer Alexander Roman. He was hired in December 2017.
Update at 9 AM on 8/14/24 :
At 11:32 PM on August 13, 2024, Anchorage Police Patrol Officers responded to an apartment complex on the 4800-block of E 43rd Avenue regarding a disturbance with a weapon. It had been reported to Dispatch that a female was threatening others inside the apartment with a knife.
Several officers responded to the scene, some of whom entered the involved apartment. Multiple commands were given by police. Ultimately one officer discharged his weapon inside the home, striking the suspect in the upper and lower body. First aid was rendered to the suspect at the scene. She was transported to a hospital by AFD Medics where she was ultimately declared deceased.
There were other people present inside the apartment at the time of the shooting. No one else was injured.
APD’s Crime Scene Team will be responding to process the site. There will be a continued police presence in the area while that occurs.
The suspect is 16 years old. Her name will not be released by APD due to her age.
Per policy the State’s Office of Special Prosecutions (OSP) will review the officer’s use of force and determine whether it was legally justified. Once that has been completed, APD Internal Affairs will review the officer’s actions to confirm whether there was any violation of policy. As per APD practice the officer will be placed on four days of administrative leave. His name will be released publicly 72 hours after the incident.
Once OSP has completed their investigation, their findings will be available for the public to review.
Original at 2:45 AM on 8/14/24:
Officers are investigating an officer-involved shooting on the 4800-block of E 43rd Avenue. One suspect is deceased. No officers were injured.
There is a large police presence in the area however no roadways are closed.
Additional details will be provided at a press conference at 9AM which will be live streamed on APD’s Facebook page.
APD Case 24-25066
[5] Anchorage reckons with deadly police shootings as teen’s killing marks fourth of the year
[6] Officer Involved Shooting of Christopher Handy Investigation on the 7100-block of Bearfoot Drive, August 14, 2024
Update on 5/16/24:
The four officers who discharged their weapons in last Monday’s incident have been identified as:
- Officer Jacob Jones – hired December 2016
- Officer jacob Ostolaza – hired June 2016
- Sergeant Noel Senoran – hired November 1999
- Officer James Stineman – hired June 2022
Update on 5/14/24:
The deceased has been identified as 34-year-old Kristopher K. Handy. Next-of-kin notification procedures have been completed.
Update on 5/13/24 at 7AM:
At 2:13 AM on May 13, 2024, Anchorage Police mid-shift patrol officers responded to an apartment complex on the 7100-block of Bearfoot Drive. Dispatch had received a call of a disturbance happening in one of the apartments between an adult male and an adult female. As officers were on their way, Dispatch was informed the involved male had gone outside the apartment complex with a long gun.
Several officers arrived and formed two approach teams. As they advanced towards the apartment complex on foot, the adult male raised a long gun towards the officers. Four officers discharged their weapons, striking the adult male at least once in the upper body.
First aid was immediately rendered; AFD medics took over upon their arrival. Medics declared the male deceased at the scene. No one else was injured.
Per policy the state’s Office of Special Prosecutions (OSP) will review the officers’ use of force and determine whether it was justified. Once that has been completed, APD Internal Affairs will review the officers’ actions to confirm whether there was any violation of policy. As per APD practice the officers will be placed on four days of administrative leave. Their names will be released publicly 72 hours after the incident.
Once OSP has completed their investigation, their findings will be available for the public to review.
The deceased’s name will be released once next-of-kin notification procedures have been completed.
Original on 5/13/24 at 5:35 AM:
Anchorage Police are investigating an officer-involved shooting on the 7100-block of Bearfoot Drive. One adult male is deceased; all officers are uninjured.
The crime scene team will be responding to process the scene. There will be a continued police presence in the area while that occurs.
More details will be forthcoming at a press conference which will be held at 7AM on May 13, 2024. It will be live streamed on APD’s Facebook page.
APD Case 24-14640
‘[7] ROSALINA CALONGE V. CITY OF SAN JOSE, ET AL, No. 22-16495 (9th Cir. 2024)

[8] Challenges Of Mental Illness, DONN LISTON May 19, 2022
[9] Report of Officer Involved shooting of Lisa M. Fordyce-Blair at 20th Ave near Island Dr. June 19, 2024
OIS Investigation on E 20th near Island Drive
Update on 8/20/24:
From the Attorney General’s Office:
The Office of Special Prosecutions has completed its review of an officer-involved shooting on June 19, 2024, involving 58-year-old Lisa Fordyce-Blair and Anchorage Police Department Sgt. Jon Butler in Anchorage.
The review determined that Sgt. Butler was legally justified in his use of deadly force against Ms. Fordyce-Blair, which occurred after a 911 caller reported Ms. Fordyce-Blair had threatened him with a rifle. Officers responded and attempted to serve a felony arrest warrant and search warrant on Ms. Fordyce-Blair.
Update on 7/1/24:
The preliminary investigation indicates Lisa Fordyce-Blair passed away from injuries sustained when the officer discharged his weapon.
Update on 6/23/24 at 6AM:
The officer who discharged his weapon last Wednesday evening has been identified as Sergeant Jonathan Butler. He was hired in December 2008.
Update on 6/22/24 at 11:15 AM:
The deceased has been identified as 58-year-old Lisa M. Fordyce-Blair. Next-of-kin notification procedures have been completed.
A press conference for this incident will be held on Monday, June 24, 2024, at 1PM. It will be live-streamed on APD’s Facebook page.
Update on 6/20/24 at 2AM:
This incident is now being investigated as an officer involved shooting.
Initial indications are that an interaction occurred outside between the adult female suspect, who was armed with a long gun, and an unarmed neighborhood resident. The suspect’s actions put that resident in fear of immediate physical harm. The suspect retreated into her home prior to police arrival; she was the only one inside.
The patrol officers who initially responded to the call made several unsuccessful attempts to contact the suspect and have her exit her house. Police obtained an arrest warrant for the charge of Assault III; SWAT, TSU, and CNT responded to the scene. Some area residents evacuated from their homes. Negotiators made multiple attempts at contacting the suspect. SWAT used several different tactics, to include gas deployment, to encourage the suspect’s cooperation with the commands she was being given. The suspect remained non-compliant and fired multiple shots inside the home.
Ultimately one SWAT officer discharged their weapon from outside. During a subsequent search of the residence, officers located the deceased suspect inside. The Medical Examiner will determine the cause of death.
Crime Scene will be responding to process the site. There will be an ongoing police presence in the area while that occurs.
Per policy the State’s Office of Special Prosecutions (OSP) will review the officer’s use of force and determine whether it was justified. Once that has been completed, APD Internal Affairs will review the officer’s actions to confirm whether there was any violation of policy. As per APD practice the officer will be placed on four days of administrative leave. His/her name will be released publicly 72 hours after the incident.
Once OSP has completed their investigation, their findings will be available for the public to review.
The deceased’s name will be released once next-of-kin notification procedures have been completed.
A press conference will be held regarding this incident; the date and time will be forthcoming.
Update on 6/19/24 at 7:20 PM:
APD Special Operations has responded to the scene. That work unit includes the Special Weapons and Tactics Unit (SWAT), the Tactical Support Unit (TSU), the Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT), and/or the Mobile Intervention Team (MIT). Depending on the actions of the suspect, our response may require using a variety of tactics and tools to apprehend him/her. This could also involve the deploying of chemical agents; nearby citizens with respiratory illnesses/sensitivities should remain inside and make sure doors and windows are closed.
Original on 6/19/24 at 5:45 PM:
At 4:39 PM on June 19, 2024, Anchorage Police responded to a disturbance with a weapon on the 7400-block of E 20th Avenue. There is currently a large police presence while officers investigate; a drone will be used. There are no reports of any injuries.
E 20th is currently closed between Island Drive and Diomede Street. Please follow officers’ instructions if you are in the area. If you do not need to be in the vicinity, please avoid it and seek alternative routes until further notice.
We ask the public and the media to refrain from posting/publishing photos and/or video of the scene until the situation is over. Showing tactical positions and movements in these types of situations can put the public and officers’ safety at risk.
APD Cases 24-18880 (Disturbance) and 24-18911 (OIS)
[10] ALASKA: Crime Capital of USA, DONN LISTON,November 24, 2023
[11] Report of Officer Involved shooting of Tyler Jacob May at 1300 E 19th Avenue, June 3, 2024.
Update on 7/25/24:
From the Attorney General’s Office:
The Office of Special Prosecutions has completed its review of an officer involved shooting. This concerns the June 3, 2024, shooting of Tyler Jacob May by Anchorage Police Department Sergeant Jesse Frey, Officer Isaac Kimball, and Officer Nicholas Flechsing. The Anchorage Police Department was notified of the decision on July 19, 2024. The investigation concluded that the officers were legally justified in their use of deadly force.
Update on 6/7/24:
The three officers who discharged their weapons in last Monday’s incident have been identified as:
- Officer Nicholas Flechsing – hired December 2022
- Officer Isaac Kimball – hired July 2018
- Sergeant Jesse Frey – hired December 2016
Update on 6/5/24:
The deceased has been identified as 21-year-old Tyler J. May. Next-of-kin notification procedures have been completed.
The other adult male who was detained at the scene has been released without being criminally charged; it was legal for him to have the handgun he had in his possession. The information garnered thus far in the ongoing investigation has implicated Tyler May as the person responsible for firing shots in the neighborhood. There is no indication the detained male had fired any shots.
Additional Information: When responding officers initially arrived at the scene, they were flagged down by a person in a white vehicle who indicated the two males in the nearby parking lot had been involved in firing shots in the neighborhood. Police are asking for the driver in that white vehicle to please contact police at 3-1-1 (option #1) or 907-786-8900 (press #0) so that detectives may obtain a witness statement from him/her.
Per policy the State’s Office of Special Prosecutions (OSP) will review the officers’ use of force and determine whether it was justified. Once that has been completed, APD Internal Affairs will review the officers’ actions to confirm whether there was any violation of policy. As per APD practice the officers will be placed on four days of administrative leave. His/her names will be released publicly 72 hours after the incident.
Once OSP has completed their investigation, their findings will be available for the public to review.
The Crime Scene Team has responded to process the site; drones will be utilized. There will be a continued police presence in the area while that occurs.
There will be a press conference regarding this incident. The date and time have not yet been determined.
APD Case 24-17124
[12] Operation Summer Heat