DONN LISTON, MEd. Webpage:
60-Year Alaskan Alaska K-8 Type A Certification #4011937
As an experienced Journalist since working initially for the Anchorage Daily News during the mid-1970s, Liston speaks truth to power in Alaska on multiple levels. He wrote free-lance for a range of publications while pursuing a career in public advocacy for non-profit organizations–including 20 years as a resident of the state capital of Juneau (1983-2003). After becoming AK Certified as a teacher in 2003, Liston has worked in public education and broadened his voice on the Internet with instructional advocacy about decline of Alaska as a once hopeful and optimistic new state.
Completed an accredited course of study, including Praxis Exams for Math, Reading and Writing, and 5-month student teaching requirement, for Alaska teacher certification in 2003. Teaching certificate renewed until 2019 (expired). Earned Master’s Degree in Education (UAS) in 1989. I have succeeded in many career endeavors, approach life challenges as opportunities, use an educational model to teach at the appropriate developmental stage, promote a positive image by example, and strive to build collaborative relationships among team members, disenfranchised people and lifelong students.
Work History
Being semi-retired, this work history begins at the start of my career instead of with current employment.

December 1977 to November 1982: Donn Liston Enterprises/Pinnacle Publication Productions; starting as a cottage industry in Spenard subdivision of Anchorage, developed a publishing and public relations business producing newsletters and providing educational opportunities for non-profit association member participants. Some clients included: Realtors, Homebuilders, Education Associations, Telephone Company Managers, Municipal Utilities, Labor organizations, Oil & Gas Association, Mental Health Association, State agencies, ethnic organizations, businesses, trade associations and candidates for local and state elected office. I sold advertising to support some of these publications. Sold business to take legislative aide position in Juneau.

January 1983 to July 2000 Served as Legislative Aide to Rep. John Lindauer in the Alaska Legislature during the 13th session. Afterward I found employment working for non-profit corporations including the Association of Alaska School Boards two years (Database Tech surveying and publishing information about Alaska Public education in 50+ school districts). NEA-Alaska nine years as support staff in Juneau Headquarters Office responding to teacher member needs and promoting the union’s agenda to the AK Legislature. During this time I earned my Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Alaska Southeast. Alaska State Employees’ Association (AFSCME Local 52) Business Agent for multiple state departments in Southeast Alaska serving members, always seeking increasing funding for state workers, and promoting union expectations to AK Legislators we helped elect to public office.

October, 2000 to April 2003: Substitute teacher, teacher’s aide, and recreation leader in various positions in the Juneau School District while taking coursework toward Alaska Type A Certification.

October 1, 2004 to September 29, 2005: President, Montessori Creative Schools, Inc. and Superintendent of Tom Thumb Montessori Schools. Elected as corporation president in March 2004, I was selected to assume administrative duties of the schools October 1, 2005, during a dispute between owners in a marital divorce. As the Municipality of Anchorage licensed administrator I managed the business, attempted to make meaningful organizational upgrades, and initiated efforts to restore the formally abandoned Montessori Program.

August 2006 to May 2007: Classroom Teacher-6th Grade, Haines Borough School District and successful completion of Alaska Department of Education/University of Alaska first year teacher mentor program.

July 2007 to December 2017: Nine Star Enterprises Adult Basic Education/GED instructor. I taught ABE classes four years in Mt. View and two years prior served as a High School Completion teacher, Nine Star/Nenana School District, for all subjects. Between October 2008-June 2009, produced 10-page monthly Teen Beat newsletter for the program. I taught Math, Language Skills, Science, and Social Studies for the GED Test ( year-round as well as ABE college/training preparation in Wasilla.

January 10 to April 19: Session-only Legislative Researcher to Rep. Lora Reinbold in Juneau. I supported the Representative from Eagle River in whatever tasks needed to be done including preparation for floor sessions and research for committee meetings.

Liston retired upon return to Anchorage with his wife of 29 years, Cathy Liston and has survived the events surrounding her death and the vultures who have violated him as a vulnerable Alaskan senior in a now lawless state of Alaska.

Brigham Young University, Spring Semester 2013, Engl 220 – Composing Personal History.
University of Alaska, Spring Semester 2012, EDCN A610 – Professional and Ethical Foundations of Counseling,
University of Alaska, 2001-2003. Five semesters and more than 40 credits through distance education program from all three major campuses, including education methods and practicum, to gain K-8 certification.
University of Alaska, Southeast: Master’s Degree in Education, 1990. Completed numerous classes in automotive and educational technology as part of my coursework. Upon graduation I lacked only student teaching to qualify for Alaska Secondary Teaching Certification in English and Social Studies.
University of Alaska, Anchorage, 1976: Fifteen credit hours graduate studies in Public Administration/Community and Regional Planning during Spring Semester.
Alaska Methodist University (Now APU), 1974: B.A. degree with double-major emphasis in Sociology and English Literature.
Nominated by my students and colleagues, and awarded as a 2013 BP Teacher of Excellence!